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Hope Day

Writer: LeaderLeader

You can join the Komaeda Cult's discord to celebrate Hope Day on February 14th to send each other messages spreading hope and love (must be a member to gain access to the link).

If you don't have discord, I'm putting up a forum post you can comment on with your messages if you'd like.

As our official holiday manager, Rice, puts it:

"Hope Day is a wonderful holiday dedicated to spreading hope and love against the world, believers and non-believers. It is about uniting underneath Komaeda's name and carrying out his will, to truly become his servant of hope.

"Hope Day isn't just like the formal, more well-known Valentine's Day that focus on giving love to only a person's lover; instead, Hope Day focuses on the principle that everyone is loved and appreciated. No one should be alone on Hope Day. The cult stands together as one big happy family under the glorious cause of our Lord and Savior Nagito Komaeda."

Couldn't have said it better myself. Happy Hope Day, everyone!


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Jan 18, 2021

The link for the discord server isnt taking me there could someone maybe send me an invite in Dms?

Replying to

It doesn't work for me either.


Nov 27, 2020

I have just arrived and couldn't be happier!


Sacrifice_ SackOfRice
Sacrifice_ SackOfRice
Feb 17, 2020

Thank you so much for allowing me to help out! Sorry, I am just really glad that it helped a lot! I really hope I can help more with stuff like this in the future. I may need to even make a whole calendar for the cult! Wait... A calendar! I think you can tell I am going back to my crazy ideas. I just love everyone in this community! I hope you all have an awesome Hope Day and many more in the future! <3

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